Wednesday, 25 December 2013

The Invasion - Episode 5

I know what your thinking and I won’t take a day off even on Christmas Day. I suppose I should say Merry Christmas to all of you but if your reading this in May or June then it might seem a bit odd but trust me its Christmas Day and I’m about to watch episode five. This is where the Cybermen really get involved in their own story, still can’t quite believe that were at the half way stage and they’ve only just appeared.

My dislike of Isobel continues as she ranges from flirting with the Captain to be disinterested at first when the Doctor informs everyone about the Cybermen. All she seems to talk about is money she thinks that taking pictures will lead to wealth and when she’s flirting with the Captain she hopes that he’s “stinking rich”. Though she comes up with what would be considered to a rather feeble insult when Isobel calls him “you man!”. This does lead to a bit of feminism in Doctor Who when both Isobel and Zoe decide to take matters into their own hands. This is the main thing about the second half of the episode because this is where Jamie, Zoe and Isobel encounter a rouge Cybermen in the sewers of London. It’s a very well lit sewer it has to be said though it does lead to a good cliffhanger but due to the claustrophobic feel of it the ending becomes quite memorable.
Rutlidge is back in this episode and I like the scene where he is talking to Lethbridge-Stewart. He puts in a rather feeble attempt to try and stop the Brigadier. No sooner has Lethbridge-Stewart got a no from Rutlidge then he basically decides to go over his head. When Rutlidge contacts Vaughn its clear that the hold over him is fading. The unravelling has been quite fun to watch though he’s not a bad guy really but has just been bad to the Brigadier which in a way can be worse. It’s quite interesting how there seems to be a sort of Scooby Gang feel to some of the scenes. We have the Brigadier with the Captain, the Doctor with Zoe, Jamie and Isobel.

There’s a scene where Packer is talking to two Cybermen and he pre-recorded the voices so as the production text indicates he is talking to himself which is quite a fun idea. As an episode it does feel like its starting to pick up pace and its feeling more like a Cybermen story now which is a relief.

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