Monday, 16 March 2015

(670) Remembrance of the Daleks - Part 3

The penultimate episode of this story and this is one of those episode just gets better as the story progresses. The way that Ace was saved was perhaps not the strongest but after the previous episode’s start it was always going to be less dramatic. The effects used in the machine that the Doctor used on the Daleks doesn’t look very good and is the only thing that lets this early scene down. The action starts up quite quickly in this episode when the Doctor being strangled by a claw was a great moment and one that made me jump when I first saw it.

The Daleks conflict is given more credibility I think when we get a little explanation from the Doctor (to Ace) about why the hand of omega is so important. There is a bit of development from the Imperial side when we get to visit the Imperial Dalek’s spaceship we get to see the Emperor Dalek which was first seen in Evil of the Daleks although I use the word seen in its loosest sense. The set doesn’t seem quite big. I don’t know how they move around which is probably why I don’t think we do. I want to the Imperials to win just because of their colour scheme. I know that’s not the best reason but I like it a lot.
The girl from episode one makes another appearance in this episode appearing in the graveyard and again does a lot without doing very much. I am surprised with how effective a little girl can be. I do think that credibility is stretched a bit when it’s revealed that the little girl has been in the battle computer and Ratcliffe hadn’t noticed.  The fight between the two factions hasn’t happened really so far and they have kept out of each other’s way without firing a shot. Quite how this has happened I don’t know but it has. I love how Ratcliffe starts to learn the truth about his actions. He thinks that he is going to be in charge and he is sound bought down to earth with a bump.

The sight of Daleks gliding (or wobbling in some cases) through the streets of London is something that has surprisingly been lacking in previous Dalek stories and so it’s quite an effective sight, but there is one bit where a Dalek is coming to the camera and it looks like the top half is going to come off which is a bit unfortunate.  
Mike’s truth is revealed towards the end of the episode. I think that they had waited until the right moment to use this in the story. Ace’s reaction is what makes this work quite well as she had had a crush on him from the very beginning.

The cliffhanger is another great one with a proper size shuttlecraft landing in the playground. It wasn’t a dodgy CGI effect or model but an actual 100% real prop and that is what makes the arrival so good. The Doctor’s reaction is quite funny and it seems like this episode ended way too quickly. It’s been another superb episode and it is perhaps one of the best Dalek stories for quite sometime. In fact I would so far as to say that it might be the best one since Genesis of the Daleks.

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