Wednesday, 28 August 2013

The Massacre of St Bartholomews Eve - Priest of Death

The penultimate episode and this episodes continues to turn into a history lesson. The early part seems to starter with Steven looking the Sea Beggar. When William Hartnell finally appears the episode starts to pick up. It's good to see Hartnell pretend to be someone else and for a moment it's fun try and figure out whether the Doctor is pretending to be the Abbott or whether its the Abbott. Sadly when the episode doesn't feature either William Hartnell or Peter Purves then then whole thing feels like a period drama and it is another story that would have benefited greatly by appearing on TV.

Its another episode where its getting harder and harder to write things to say. I'm not particularly interested in the story and the characters that I was once interested in has now faded and it's just a rather dull and lacklustre story. Instead of making more about Hartnell appearing to be someone else what we get is a tiny bit of this and too much history. I honestly think that if it were the other way round then the story would be much improved but sadly its not and we don't have a time machine so what we have is something that lacks an excitement vibe which does have a good cliffhanger and that is when Steven facing some excitement and being chased by the locals.

Hopefully the story will pick in the final episode but I personally doubt it. This doesn't have anything that gives me the impression that this is the case and I think that what we will get is 25 minutes of  more history with about 90 seconds of introducing Dodo so its not going to be a fun episode.

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