Sunday, 14 July 2013

Day 60: The Zarbi - Escape to Danger

The third installment of this serial is where we finally get some information about what is going on. I say some because all the information comes from the Menoptra. This wont the be the longest review ever because so little happens that it means a review is going to be short.

The Doctor says that somehow Vicki has corrected things in the TARDIS but due to the fact that Barbara isnt with them they cant just leave thus giving a valid reason why the story has to continue. This is another episode where Jacqueline Hill doesn’t appear (presumably she was on holiday). She doesn’t even get a credit which is unusual. The early part of this episode is quite good as the Doctor gets to interact with the voice that we hear but then after that the story reverts back to weird and not knowing what is going on. We get a bit of back story about what has happened to the Menoptra but to be honest the whole story is somewhat lacking in any excitement that its pretty hard to care.

There is a good moment where the Menoptra flies into the air. It’s a good piece of directing. There are a couple more sets in this episode which have to break the monotony that there has been so far. That’s about as good as I can do with listing the positives because whilst this episode was better than the previous one, it still lacks any coherance and just serves to show what Doctor Who can do even on a limited budget. The cliffhanger is quite good as it sees Ian in danger and there is no clear sign as to whether he is ok or who could help him.
I’m afraid that my opinion of this story has definelty not changed from what it use to be. There are moments which look good but generally it’s a question of what is going on and I have no idea because all we have are the noises that the Zarbi and the regulars guessing as to what they are saying or what they are doing.

Rating - 5.33/10

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